
Friday, January 27, 2012

Raju marsab ko joke

Once raju marsab & Rajanikant met on a plane & had a bet dat if raju dai fails to ans his questions he must give 5$ & if Rajanikant fails he has 2 give 500$.. rajanikant agreed!
Rajanikant: wats d diff b/w earth n moon?
raju dai silently gives 5$
raju dai : which is d animal with 3legs goes 2 d mountain & returns with 4legs?
Rajanikant thought fOr 2hrs & gave 500$ n asks wats d ans?
raju dai again silently gave 5$ !!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


बाबा :  बाबु तिमिले त्यो माटोमा के खोजेको ?
छोरा : तपाईको नाम खोजेको ।
बाबा  : मेरो नाम किननि ?
छोरा : आमाले भनेको मैले तपाईको नाम माटोमा मिलाई दिएँ रे ।

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

चार कलेज विद्यार्थीहरु

चार कलेज विद्यार्थीहरु राति अबेरसम्म खेलेछन् भोलिको जाँचको लागि तयारी गर्न सकेनछन् बिहान उनीहरुले एउटा जुक्ति निकालेछन् जुक्तिअनुसार उनीहरुले आफ्नो शरीरभरि माटो दलेछन् झुत्रे झाम्रे भएर क्याम्पस प्रमुखको अगाडि उपस्थित भएछन्
हामी हिँजो साँझ एउटा साथीको बिहेमा गएर आउँदा बाटोमै हाम्रो कार पङ्चर भयो कार ठेल्दा ठेल्दा यस्तो हालत भयो”-
उनीहरुमध्ये एउटाले भन्यो- “त्यसैले हामी जाँच दिनसक्ने अवस्थामा भएनौँ
त्यसपछि क्याम्पस प्रमुखले उनीहरुलाई जाँचको तयारी गर्न दिनको समय दिएछ उनीहरुले प्रमुखलाई धन्यवाद दिए आफूहरु तीन दिनमा तयारी हुने बताए
तेस्रो दिन उनीहरु पुनः प्रमुखको अगाडि उपस्थित भए प्रमुखले यो जाँच विशिष्ट भएकाले चारै जनाले छुट्टाछुट्टै कोठामा बसेर जाँच दिनुपर्ने बताए उनीहरु पनि खुसी हुँदै राजी भए चारवटा छुट्टाछुट्टै कोठामा बसे उनीहरुले तीन दिनमा सबै पाठ्यक्रम पानी पानी पारेका थिए
प्रश्नपत्र आयो त्यसमा दुइवटा प्रश्न थिए, जसको पूर्णाङ्क १०० थियो
प्र.नं. . तिम्रो नाम के हो ? ( अङ्क)
प्र.नं. . कारको कुन टायर पङ्चर भएको हो ? (९८ अङ्क)

Smart boy

A female teacher was having a problem with a boy in her class of 3rd grade. The boy said Mam, I should be in 4th grade,
I'm smarter than my sister and she is in the 4th grade'.

The Mam{Teache r}had heard enough of his complains
... &took the boy to the Principal's office.
She explained everything to the Principal who decided to test the boy with some questions that a 4th grade should know.

Principal: What's 3+3?
Boy: 6
Principal: 6+6?
Boy: 12
&so on..!!

The Principal asked the boy many questions and the boy got them right. The Principal then asked Mam to send the boy to 4th grade.
Mam decided to ask some more questions&the Principal Agreed.

Pappu rocked


PAPPU: Seven Sir

Teacher: No,listen carefully.If I give u 2 cats,and another 2 cats and another 2,how many will u have?
PAPPU: Seven

Teacher: Let me put it to u this way, If I give u 2 apples,and another 2 apples and another 2, how many will u have?


Teacher: Good. Now if I give u 2 cats,and another 2 cats and another 2,

how many will u have?

PAPPU: Seven.!!

Very angry Teacher: Where the hell do u get seven from?!?!?

Very angry PAPPU: Because I already have one at home u idiot :@ :-D:-P



Teacher Gave Him Punishment
To Write 5000 Times
“I Will Not Throw Paper Airplanes In Class…”
And Submit It Tomorrow….

Next Day, He Submitted The Paper Written

Void Main( )
Clrscr( );Int N;
For( N=1 ; N<=5000 ; N++ )
Printf(“I Will Not Throw Paper Airplanes In Class”);
Getch( ); }

Be A Programmer… Think Differently

If animals...

If animals have Facebook... Their status updates would b...

Cockroach: " Today i manage to skip from someone's foot step... Damn, i lead a dangerous lifestyle..."

Cat: "My 7th child iz asking who iz her dad?? What shall i tell her?? I dn't even remember..."
Mosquito: "I m HIV positive... This iz all due to wrong suking..."

Pig: "Oh gosh... They throw da gossips dat i m spreading flu... WTF"

Goat: "Friends dn't go out... Festival seasons r coming soon"

Chicken: "If i didn't update my status tomorrow... Dat means i m being served at KFC love u all :D